Let’s Talk About Money
(because it’s been avoided for too long)
Money impacts your overall wellness, yet it’s a topic that isn’t addressed openly or often enough. In turn, avoiding the conversation can impact relationships, sleeping patterns, workplace productivity, and overall joy.
Financial Therapy provides a safe and comfortable environment for everyone looking to take steps towards a healthier relationship with their finances. Professionally Certified Financial Therapists (CFT) have been expertly trained in navigating the intersection between finances and emotional wellness for individuals, couples, and corporations.
Money Relationship Quiz
Money can mean a million different things, but what does it mean to you?
Take the quiz to find out.

Work with Erika
Financial Wellness in the Workplace
72% of financially stressed employees would consider leaving for another company that cares more about financial well-being, per a PWC study (2021).
Fast Facts About You & Money
Fast Facts
A study by the management company CESI shows that...
80% of married couples spend money behind their spouse's back and another 18.5% have opened a credit card without their partner's knowledge
Fast Facts
A survey by Bankrate found closer to 80 percent of U.S. adults...
A survey by Bankrate found closer to 80 percent of U.S. adults are losing sleep worrying about everyday expenses, saving for retirement and healthcare costs. Sleep deprivation can impair cognitive ability, making it harder for employees to think and process information.
Fast Facts
Nearly 70% of college graduates have...
Nearly 70% of college graduates have outstanding student loans, and over 25% of them are late with their payments or are missing payments altogether.