How to Manage Financial Anxiety During Election Season: 3 Actionable Steps

How to Manage Financial Anxiety During Election Season: 3 Actionable Steps

Election seasons are notorious for stirring up stress and uncertainty, especially when it comes to your finances. Does every headline have you second-guessing your investments? Are you feeling overwhelmed by the thought of what might happen to your savings or portfolio? You’re not alone.

I recently got mentioned and my powerful tips on CNBC’s Squawk Box. Many people find themselves feeling financially anxious during these times—unsure of what steps to take, fearful of making the wrong decisions, or simply stuck in a state of overwhelm. The constant flow of information, the predictions of market crashes, and the fear of an unstable future can leave you feeling paralyzed. But here’s the thing—your emotions don’t have to dictate your financial decisions.

As a Certified Financial Therapist, I understand how anxiety can cloud judgment. My role is to help you blend emotional well-being with smart financial strategies, so you can navigate turbulent times with confidence and clarity. Let’s work together to emotion-proof your portfolio and take back control.

3 Action Steps to Emotion-Proof Your Portfolio Right Now

Keep Your Financial Anxiety in Check During Election Season - Learn the 3 Action Steps to Emotion-Proof Your Portfolio Right Now! (2).

1. Keep Your Goals Front and Center

When emotions run high, it’s easy to lose sight of your long-term financial goals. Take a moment to reconnect with what truly matters to you financially. However, emotions can easily derail your long-term financial goals. So let’s take a step back to reconnect with what matters to you financially. Is it securing a great retirement? Is there huge debt you want to pay off?

Are you saving up for a major milestone? You have to have a reminder of that goal when you wake up and see it every day-it might be a photo, a vision board, or even a note on your phone.

Action Step: Choose an image or create a simple graphic that captures your financial goal and place it somewhere where you will see it daily.

2. Do Some Fact Finding End

So much opinion, so many predictions, so many what-ifs fly by during the course of an election. It’s no wonder everything may feel up in the air. However, not everything is quite that hazy. Stick with knowing how your finances stack up, and go from there with facts, not uncertainty. A thoughtful, planned-out financial plan will ground you.

Action Step: Write down one financial truth that you know right now—maybe it’s that you’re saving consistently or that you have a diversified portfolio. Hold onto that truth when you feel anxious.

3. Write Down and Tame Your Worries

Financial anxiety often compounds when we hold our worries inside. Putting them down on paper helps in sifting through those logically. Spend 5 minutes before bed putting all your concerns down in black and white, then mark each one as true or false. You might be amazed at how many of your phobias are founded more on emotions than facts.

Action Step: Tonight, take 5 minutes and write out what you are worrisome about about money and categorize them as “T” or “F.” It is going to be a quick and very effective relaxation trigger.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

You don’t have to go through this alone. Whether you need help sorting through financial decisions, calming your anxieties, or creating a personalized plan that aligns with both your emotions and your financial goals, I’m here to guide you.

Let’s work together to make sure you have the tools, mindset, and strategy to handle whatever the election season throws your way. Book a free consultation with me today, and let’s start emotion-proofing your financial future.

Schedule your consultation now!