Feeling Financial Anxiety During Election Season? – Here’s How to SWAN (Sleep Well At Night) with Your Portfolio

Feeling Financial Anxiety During Election Season? – Here’s How to SWAN (Sleep Well At Night) with Your Portfolio

Do you hate election season? Do you dread its effect on your money? You are not alone. In fact, many of my clients speak of stress related to the incessant political news, debates, and doomsday predictions. If you are worried about how these changes might affect your investments or the financial landscape in your life, you’re certainly under a lot of pressure.

Perhaps it is the deprivation of sleep over questions such as:

Will the market collapse?
Should I pull my investments?
What if I get it wrong?

It’s pretty easy to let these worries spin out of control when you’re hit with all the worst-case scenarios. But the thing is, you don’t have to become one of election-induced financial stress victims.

As a Certified Financial Therapist, I stand ready to help you emotion-proof your portfolio and regain your peace of mind. With the right approach, you can make it all the way through the political storm without losing one minute of sleep, knowing that your financial decisions are grounded in strategy, not fear.

Ready to start sleeping at night?

Let’s break down my 4-step SWAN strategy—designed specifically to help you stop stressing and take back control of your financial future.

1. S – Sleep (Set a Goal)

Setting clear financial goals is the first step toward peace of mind. Knowing what you are trying to do does not make you immune to short-term election volatility; however, it will focus on your long-term goals and build a plan that reflects your unique needs—not the headlines

Ready to set your financial goals and end the stress? Let’s talk.

Action Step: Define your primary financial goal. Write it down. This becomes your North Star in times of uncertainty.

2. W – Well (Why Is It Important to You?)

;Why do you need financial security? Is this for securing your family, retiring comfortably, or having a legacy? Knowing why grounds you and gives you confidence even when markets fluctuate.

Let’s find your why and make it your anchor during turbulence. Contact us today to get started.

Action Step: Ask yourself: Why is this financial goal important to me? Write that down next to your goal, and revisit it whenever election anxiety starts to creep in.

3. A – At (Analyze Fact from Fiction)

Easier said than done in an election year. With fear-mongering headlines and market fluctuations, you would think it’s time to panic. But before you react, let’s sift through the facts. Are we talking about risk, or is it just speculation?

Fact-check your way through the noise. Now, get crystal clear on what matters most for your portfolio.

Action Step: Tune into the facts, and speak to a financial professional to help you sift through the information that matters versus the noise that doesn’t.

4. N – Night (Navigate Your Options)

Now that we have set your goals, defined your why, and differentiated fact from fiction, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and take action. We’ll guide you through the financial options that work best for you so your portfolio stands by your side to help you sleep soundly, no matter who’s in office.

I’m here to help you see through all of your options, creating a plan that keeps your future on track.

Action Step: Create a financial plan that helps you navigate through various scenarios. This plan becomes your safety net—a personalized roadmap that keeps you on track, even during election season.

Take Back Your Peace of Mind—Let’s SWAN Together

Election stress get you up nights? Time to change that. You deserve to feel confident and secure in your financial choices, and I’m here to help you emotion-proof your portfolio so you can sleep well at night, or SWAN.

Let’s create a way together to help you find peace regardless of what’s going on in the political arena. Call me today to start on your path to financial peace.

I don’t have to face this storm alone. We can talk, and from it, we’ll help you create a plan that makes you sleep soundly and wake up ready for tomorrow.

Erika Wasserman

Your Financial Therapist
Book a Consultation

Stay focused on your long-term financial vision, and remember—you have the power to emotion-proof your portfolio.